Session A5: Graphs 1

14 Dec 2016

Session A5: Graphs 1

Session Chair: Nikolaj Tatti (Aalto University, Finland)


DM424 “Waddling Random Walk: Fast and Accurate Mining of Motif Statistics in Large Graphs”
Guyue Han and Harish Sethu

DM514 “Random Walk with Restart over Dynamic Graphs”
Weiren Yu and Weiren Yu

DM687 “Edge Weight Prediction in Weighted Signed Networks”
Srijan Kumar, Francesca Spezzano, V.S. Subrahmanian, and Christos Faloutsos


DM481 “Personalized Ranking in Signed Networks using Signed Random Walk with Restart”
Jinhong Jung, Woojeong Jin, Sael Lee, and U Kang

DM864 “Asymptotic Analysis of Equivalences and Core-Structures in Kronecker-Style Graph Models”
Alex Chin, Timothy Goodrich, Michael O’Brien, Felix Reidl, Blair Sullivan, and Drew van der Poel

DM328 “Fractality of Massive Graphs: Scalable Analysis with Sketch-Based Box-Covering Algorithm”
Takuya Akiba, Kenko Nakamura, and Taro Takaguchi

DM442 “Cut Tree Construction from Massive Graphs”
Takuya Akiba, Yoichi Iwata, Yosuke Sameshima, Naoto Mizuno, and Yosuke Yano

ICDM 2016