Session B1: Patterns
Session Chair: Jilles Vreeken (MPI, Germany)
DM257 “A Scalable and Generic framework to Mine Top-k Representative Subgraph Patterns”
Dheepikaa Natarajan and Sayan Ranu
DM267 “CoreScope: Graph Mining Using k-Core Analysis – Patterns, Anomalies, and Algorithms”
Kijung Shin, Tina Eliassi-Rad, and Christos Faloutsos
DM319 “Mining Graphlet Counts in Online Social Networks”
Xiaowei Chen and John C. S. Lui
DM912 “On Efficient External-Memory Triangle Listing”
Yi Cui, Di Xiao, and Dmitri Loguinov
DM377 “Bi-level Rare Temporal Pattern Detection”
Dawei Zhou, Jingrui He, Yu Cao, and Jae-sun Seo
DM1056 “Direct Mining of Subjectively Interesting Relational Patterns”
Tias Guns, Achille Aknin, Jefrey Lijffijt, and Tijl De Bie
DM1106 “Mining Statistically Significant Attribute Associations in Attributed Graphs”
Jihwan Lee, Keehwan Park, and Sunil Prabhakar